Saturday, April 2, 2016

” You were instrumental in the healing process…”

Some feedbacks are so heartfelt and inspirational that they must be posted.

Here is a testimonial from Annie whose world was turned upside down when her daughter got sick and they were referred to Children’s Hospital.

“Caroline, I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for our family. When I started this process, I felt so overwhelmed and confused.

I knew I had to do something to change the way we were eating, but didn’t know where to start. I began taking your workshops and was so thankful to have all that incredibly useful information given to me in a easy to understand way. I started to make some changes, but it wasn’t until my daughter got sick that I decided it was time to dive into it in a more committed way. My daughter got sick last August. I called you and your advice was priceless. You told me what to feed her and gave me many suggestions on how to help her immune system fight whatever she had.

Just a few days later the doctors called and told us that we might be dealing with something very serious: cancer/lymphoma.

My world collapsed! I have never been so scared in my life.

You were so instrumental in the healing process! I cannot thank you enough!   While we were waiting for Children’s Hospital to give us an appointment, I followed your suggestions to the T. I have never liked to cook – I never thought I was any good at it, but I didn’t have a choice this time. I cooked your recipes, I bought the food you suggested, I made bone broth and mineral broth, I took her to the Naturopath doctor you suggested and gave her the supplements she prescribed.

My daughter was admitted to Children’s Hospital. She was seen by many doctors and was given a series of tests.

The doctors were quite puzzled; it was clear from the test results that she was getting better, not worse.   They said if it was lymphoma she would not be getting better, so after a few days they sent us home and said to come back in another month for more tests, just to make sure she was okay. We did and all the tests came back clear. The oncologist said he just doesn’t know what happened, but that he was happy to say that she was okay. No words can describe the incredible relief that we felt!

As her mother, I truly believe that what healed her were all the prayers and your “Angel Food”!

I think God put you in my path because He knew what my daughter needed. After this experience, my daughter and I continued to learn from you; we attended one more workshop, we have participated several times in your incredible valuable Whole Food shopping tour, and have followed your meal plan for the past two weeks.

I am feeling better than I have felt in a long time.

My daughter has learned so much and is spreading the word about what we put into our bodies to all my family, and has taken personal responsibility for what she eats every day. I have learned how to shop for food that is REAL and healthy, and have even learned how to cook some delicious and super nutritious recipes.

My family is delighted and I feel so good knowing we are all putting good things in our bodies.

It has been a life-changing experience and I have so much appreciation for how much you have helped us!

May you continue in this beautiful path of helping transform people’s lives for the better.

With much love,

Annie (and family) K, Woodland Hills CA”

It truly was an honor and a blessing for me to be part of the family’s healing process.

I don’t regurgitate what the current Diet Dictocrats (doctors, researchers, spokesmen for various government and quasi-government agencies) say.

I am a holistic nutritionist, a real foodie, a mother, and a wife. As a family, we lead a busy and active life, yet we value a healthy lifestyle. My family is my training ground where I formulate methods for healthy living to address busy lives.

This has led me to become a food educator, speaker, writer, wellness coach, and an advocate of conscious living.

I practice my craft by being supportive, caring and loving. I strive to lead by example and to bring real, natural, simple, delicious, realistic, and wholesome solutions to life.

My expertise go beyond being a holistic nutritionist. The combination of years of experience, resources, compassion and intuition makes me be the guide that I am. I teach ancient healing wisdom to those who are ready to receive it in a way that is palatable. I shorten the learning curve tremendously.

I want every one around me (that’s pretty much everyone around the world) to feel their best.  You can do that if you follow the laws of nature.

My goal is to teach the effective principles and practices of our ancestors in a modern context for living a vibrant life.

Contact me should you need guidance towards a healthier you.

To your health,

Caroline Your BareFood Angel

The post ” You were instrumental in the healing process…” appeared first on Barefood Angel.

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